Friday, September 17, 2010

Masters and Slayers

Many of you would remember last month when I featured the Oracles of Fire series and Starlighter by Bryan Davis (giveaway is still going on, by the way.  Check out the sidebar!).  Mr. Davis is also releasing a series for adults, the first book titled Masters and Slayers.  Below is the synopsis.

Expert swordsman Adrian Masters attempts a dangerous journey to another world to rescue human captives who have been enslaved there by dragons. He is accompanied by Marcelle, a sword maiden of amazing skill whose ideas about how the operation should be carried out conflict with his own. Since the slaves have been in bonds for generations, they have no memory of their origins, making them reluctant to believe the two would-be rescuers, and, of course, the dragons will crush any attempt to emancipate the slaves. Set on two worlds separated by a mystical portal, Masters and Slayers is packed with action, mystery, and emotional turmoil, a tale of heart and life that is sure to inspire. 

I am psyched to read this book.  I want to see how the author handles what is new territory-the adult genre instead of Young Adult-but I'm really excited just for the book.  Starlighter really has me excited for the story and the storyworld and I'd love to hear more about it.
Also, *psst* I have a special code that can get you a discounted price for Masters and Slayers, Starlighter, The Bones of Makaidos, Eye of the Oracle, I know why the Angels Dance, and Raising Dragons (Yeah, lots of discounts)-somewhere around 3-6 dollars off! And signed, too *psst*  Email me at smr411 [at] gmail [dot] com and I'll send it your way.  Or you can just buy any signed book by Bryan Davis at his online bookshop, of  Also enjoy a song which I am told is in the book-lyrics composed by the author, Bryan Davis, music created Gwendolyn, and performed by Jessica Coleman.

You can also check out the book website at