Thursday, September 16, 2010

I haven't posted in forever...

Actually, I have.  For some reason, my follower widget isn't working properly, though.  So no one has been receiving any of the posts I've written.  Since I don't like that and you won't know when I'm doing a giveaway or a review or what not I have come up with an evil plan.
Well, maybe not so evil.  Basically, until I can get the follower widget working again which would deliver the posts to you, you can subscribe by email on the sidebar.  You're probably asking "Why would I do that?" though.  It's a valid question.  Why would someone want to waste their time subscribing?  Simple.
Everyone that subscribes will receive an extra entry in all my current giveaways and possibly ones to come.  Simple as that.  You subscribe to find out all the newest stuff going on here, and you also get a better chance at winning stuff.  Win-Win.