Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fantasy, Part Six

Fantasy, Part Six, Evil Creatures
Evil creatures is much more of a category then an actual race.  There are many types of 'evil creatures', there are orcs, trolls, goblins, and many more unique species.  They all typically have the same characteristics and traits.
  • Repugnant in appearance, smell, etc.
  • Fighting within.  They generally don't respect each other and are constantly fighting for power or our of simple hate.
  • Uncontrollable.  Unlike other species, evil creatures are disorganized and uncontrollable on the battlefield and off the battlefield alike.
  • Numerous but not as skilled in battle.  The inverse is also true with other evil creatures such as trolls.
  • Without conscious.  With some creatures the author-or director-makes the creatures have a conscious, however, they don't listen to it as often.  But in general they do not have discipline and virtue which often leads to the other characteristics listed.
    All evil species are horrendous.  Ugly-looking, terrible-smelling.  Just plain scary and disgusting creatures.  
    Inward struggle is a huge problem in evil creatures.  Fighting for power among themselves, or fighting out of blood-lust or anger.  Because of their almost mindless nature they are always fighting among themselves if they are not fighting other species.  A perfect example of this is in Return of the King when Frodo is taken captive by the orcs, and Shagrat and Gorbag, two orc captains and their companies fight for the spoils of their find as well as being known as the company that found the hobbit in the first place.  This inward struggle actually allowed for Sam to rescue Frodo without being spotted and taken captive as well.  Who would of known what would have happened if he was taken captive?  Probably J.R.R. Tolkien.
   These creatures are uncontrollable.  Which is part of the inward struggle problem, but more specifically, they cannot be controlled.  That wasn't worded right, they can be controlled, just not well.  Since they cannot be controlled and maintain order they often have inward struggles as mentioned.
   These creatures are have huge populations, however, they're not as skilled in battle, or anything for that matter.  The inverse of this is also true however, because creatures such as Trolls, Dragons, Balrogs, etc are much rarer and are much more skilled in battle.  These creatures can turn the tide of the battle if implemented properly.
   These creatures have no conscious.  They are often used as an allegory for the world-people who have not accepted Christ-or fallen angels who are servants of satan.  Because of this, naturally, they don't have the same virtues as the others, and, if they do have some virtues, they do not value them as highly.  For some creatures, such as trolls or goblins, they do not have a conscious at all and just have a terrible desire to kill and be be in control.
 That sums up evil creatures and beings.  It's really a huge factor in fantasy that isn't given much thought.  Think about it though, what would Lord of the Rings be without Orcs, Trolls, and Balrogs?  What would the White Lion Chronicles be without Dairne-Reih?  What would the Circle Trilogy be without the Horde or Shataiki?  Evil creatures are a key element to fantasy.  It may be very practical, but it is equally important to the story. 
This is the last installment in my series on fantasy creatures.  While I may start again on another series about fantasy, I encourage you to visit Worthy Fantasy, a Christian E-Zine about the fantasy genre.  Some great articles, interviews, book reviews, and occasional giveaways are already on the site and will be coming very soon.



Nolan said...

Great post. You're right, you see a lot of people posting about wizards, dragons, elves etc., but very few decide to visit the baddies. =)

I've actually decided to do something interesting in my story. My bad guys are actually quite pretty/beautiful in appearance. They are truly evil beings trying to deceive everyone into rebelling against "God". As someone begins to realize how evil they truly are, they will start to look more ugly and terrifying. But this depends on how powerful the Vvreen (the name of the evil race) is.

The Vvreen also have a beast that they control. All fantasies have to have at least one ugly thing. =)

It seems a lot of people like to make their evil race look... well, quite evil and revolting. But is that really reality? Sin is sugar-coated, but that doesn't mean it's right.

Again, great post =)

Unknown said...

I like the way you decided to do that. One of the major things about fantasy though, is that a lot of time it's about showing the truth of things. As in, the Bible says we do not fight the physical, but the spiritual. Well, in many fantasy books, the spiritual, which was unseen to us before, becomes visible, reality. A good example of this is the Circle Trilogy by Ted Dekker. In the first novel, Black, there is a colored forest and a black forest. In the black forest are the shataiki, which are pretty much, symbolic for demons. In the other forest are humans and Roush, which are symbolic for angels. Anyway, that's just one take on that topic. Thanks for commenting :)

Nolan said...

Read the Circle Series. Probably the best fantasy I've read =)

I know where you're getting, and I do think there is a place for that, too. But I just wanted to mix it up a bit--have a deeper meaning. I don't believe anyone has done anything like this so far, either, so it works out pretty well. =)

Unknown said...

I did read it lol. I referenced it in my comment above and once or twice in my actual post. Great books.

Nolan said...

Oh, that was a "I have read it" not "you read it". lol